What CXMeter Offers You

Customers can easily provide feedback with their smartphones without having to install any app and without compromising any privacy. A simple 1) snap of a QR code, 2) filling a survey in a few seconds 3) done. CXMeter makes it as easy as 1-2-3.

  • Industry Specific Survey Templates

    At CXMeter, we strongly believe in the power of your individuality. That's why we bring you a wide range of survey templates that cater to your diverse needs ...

  • Multi-site Comparison 

    Imagine the possibilities when you can discern patterns, preferences, and trends that span your locations.

  • Data Analysis & Business Insights

    Peel back the layers of data to uncover insights that illuminate the path to enhanced customer experiences.

  • Easy Feedback Collection and Management

    Harness the potential of insights as they transform into strategic actions that propel your customer experience forward.

  • Customer Privacy

    Amidst the digital landscape, where trust is paramount and confidentiality is sacred, CXMeter stands as your fortress of assurance.

  • Feedback Trends

    Incorporating the Feedback Trend into CXMeter's suite of features offers you a unique avenue for understanding customer sentiments.